Get mental health treatment for your separation, divorce, and blended family needs.

Separation, Divorce & Blended Families

  • Are you recently separated and struggling to find balance again in your life?

  • Are you divorced and working through the process of letting go, grief and creating a new identity?

  • Are you remarried and hoping to create a healthy blended family?

  • Are old patterns emerging from a previous relationship and getting in the way of creating healthy dynamics in your current relationship?

  • Are you looking for support in navigating new roles due to a relationship change?

These major life transitions can leave us struggling to find a solid foundation again and participate fully in our everyday life. Experiencing separation and/or divorce changes our lives, relationships with friends and family and creates major shifts in our identity. Remarriage and introducing step-children in your life invites new relationships and broadens your family circle. In addition, it often presents numerous challenges as parents learn how to co-parent as a step-family while often still working through issues with past partners. Counseling can offer you an objective, supportive environment to begin to unravel your emotional struggles as well as communicate effectively as you navigate through uncharted waters.