Get mental health treatment for all your pregnancy and postpartum needs.

Pregnancy & Postpartum

Welcoming a new baby (or babies) into the world can be a joyous moment. However, it is also a time in our lives that can be filled with immense challenges. You may have heard about the ‘baby blues’ and that some mood changes are to be expected. While these changes are a normal part of the physical, emotional, and hormonal adjustments after pregnancy and birth, if it lasts more than a few weeks, it is time to seek some help. 

I offer individual therapy specializing in treatment of maternal health disorders including pregnancy/postpartum depression and anxiety, birth trauma, miscarriage and loss, and infertility.

  • Are you pregnant or postpartum and feeling sad, anxious and/or depressed?

  • Are you struggling everyday to cope with daily living and how to care for your baby?

  • Are you having difficulty bonding with your baby?

  • Are you having upsetting thoughts that you can’t get out of your mind?

  • Are you having difficulty thinking and talking about your birth experience?

Coping with the intensity of your birth and postpartum experience while at the same time caring for and learning about your new little one can leave a woman depleted on many levels.  Some of these challenges may include sleep deprivation, inadequate nutrition, hormonal issues, identity changes and shifts in our relationship with others, just to name a few. In addition, many women experience depression, anxiety, panic, disturbing thoughts and feelings of hopelessness. Postpartum mood and anxiety disorders affect 15-20% of moms and are treatable. Through therapy, I will support you through this period of your life so you are able to fully enjoy the incredible experience of being a new mom and a parent. Most importantly, a woman must know that she is not to blame and with support she will get better.

Pregnancy and postpartum counseling for women and their families includes:

  • Planning a pregnancy, challenges with fertility

  • Pregnancy and postpartum mood disorders

  • Grieving and loss issues (miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal loss)

  • PTSD, resolving traumatic birth experiences

  • Relationship challenges and adapting to new family structure

  • Attachment and bonding

  • Preparing and supporting survivors in pregnancy and birth